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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

You Think

The thoughts you think create your feelings and emotions. The thoughts you think are the key factor in what you say and do. The entire quality of your life is totally dependent on the thoughts you choose to think. Choose thoughts of gratitude. You will be tremendously grateful that you did.

Becoming Grateful

Here is a one-sentence formula for becoming a grateful person: Think, speak, and act like a grateful person does.
There is no mystery on how to become a person with the attribute of gratitude. Think gratefully. Speak gratefully. And act gratefully. When you consistently do these three things, you are consistently grateful. And even before you are consistent with this pattern, every little bit of thinking, speaking, and acting this way makes you more grateful than if you wouldn't have thought, spoken, or acted this way.

Monday, February 11, 2013

It Takes Strength

Why don't people like to remain silent when others insult them? Because they're afraid that others might think they're weak and unable to answer back.
The truth is, it takes much greater strength to remain silent when someone insults you. Revenge, on the other hand, is a sign of weakness. A revenger lacks the necessary strength of character to forgive.

Mind with Positive Thoughts

We cannot think two thoughts at the same time. Consequently, when negative thoughts arise, you do not need to fight them. Make an effort to think positive thoughts, and the negative thoughts will disappear.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Your Real Pleasure Potential

 In physical matters, a person's desires are always greater than the actual potential for pleasure.
But in spiritual matters, such as studying Torah and doing good deeds, a person's pleasure will be commensurate to his desire for those things. The greater you desire them, the more pleasure you will experience!

Your Experience are always your's

 The essence of wisdom is to have a complete grasp of reality. A wise person knows the probable consequences of a particular course of action. Therefore, someone with experience in a particular is regarded as "wise" because he has personal knowledge of which actions produce which outcomes. Internalize the knowledge you have obtained from your experience; this will earn you the title, "a wise person."
Next time you find yourself in a painful or uncomfortable situation, tell yourself, "With this experience I am gaining more wisdom." If your mind ever takes you back to past painful events, view them as your personal "University of Wisdom."

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Life Challenges

 Difficulties will occur in everyone's life. We are typically much more aware of our own difficulties than those of others. This can easily breed unwarranted envy. But knowing that everyone has challenges in life can make your own easier to cope with.
Marriage is a constantly changing, fluid, evolving process. Each stage of marriage has its unique character-development opportunities. God will always set you up in situations that will challenge you and enable you to access hidden strengths that you may not realize you possess!