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Saturday, June 16, 2012

-:Love yourself:-

-:Love yourself:-

I have compiled a list on “How to love yourself” for readers who are facing difficulty knowing what to do in boosting their own self esteem. When I first began to be aware that I need to love myself first prior to developing any meaningful relationship with others, I realized that I did not know where to start,

This was a surprise to me then as I would have thought I’d be an expert on love and relationship by then. After all, as I recalled, in my younger days, I’ve spent much time looking for the best spouse or romantic partner. But I soon realized that my search was meant to fill the void or emptiness I had inside. Finding a good relationship with me seemed to be an even harder task! However, as things turned out, I found myself failing miserably in my early relationship because I had insufficient or little self love.

If you’ve suffered from low self esteem, then it goes to show that you are lacking in self love. It is possible that you will find it hard to find that little bit of love for yourself. I dare say that your mind had been so ingrained with self sabotaging thoughts for the longest time, that loving yourself sounds unnatural to you,

However, nothing is going to happen if you do not make a conscious decision and that includes attracting abundance. When you don’t love yourself, you are basically telling the Universe that you are unworthy or undeserving of any love or positive outcomes that have the same vibrational match as love,

Learning to love you starts with making conscious decisions, an intention to become happy and lead a fulfilled life. When you do not love yourself and suffer from low self esteem, it is almost impossible to ever reach the potential that you suspect you have,

Love yourself first and everything falls into line

When you make a decision to love yourself, you are really saying that you want to come alive, you accept that you are responsible for the outcomes that you experience in your life and would like yourself to shine from living a fulfilling life,
So if you’ve decided on loving yourself but are as equally stumped on how to love yourself, as I was back then,

They’re 17 steps which will help you love yourself 

1 Fall in love with you: - Just like a flower that needs watering to grow, learn to nurture yourself in every way. Love yourself for all the good that you see and accept your flaws and the fact that you are imperfect. This does not mean that you do not learn to change from your shortcomings: instead, you are being gentle and kind to yourself despite all your “Flaws”. Look in the mirror and fall in love with the reflection that is you.

To love others is the beginning of a life-long romance
2 Eliminate self criticism:-Do you often berate yourself over the tiniest thing? Is there a little voice inside your head that often tells you that you are no good because you are stupid or make mistakes? If you find that you criticize yourself often, make an effort to stop the self criticism,

3 Be Kind and Positive: - when you start to think kindly and positively about yourself, the love you have for yourself just grows. Make a habit to praise yourself everyday, while in the front of the mirror. Because of such thoughts, you naturally undertake empowering actions that support your development,

4 Acknowledge your effort:-It’s not always about winning or having success in everything that you do. Many times, it is the effort that counts! Acknowledge that you’ve done your best, even if you have failed to produce tangible results.

5 Let go of worry: - loving yourself requires you to let go of your worry. If is a horrible way to live a life filled with constant worrying. I can attest to that! Worry does not help in any way. It cannot, on its own, makes things happen. Only wise actions can! So instead of worrying, spend time thinking about what you can do to help in the situation. If the situation is beyond your control, then ask the universe for your desired outcome and let things work. Things will come to be, if they are meant to be.

There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will

6 Trust yourself: - Have confidence in your abilities. Know that you have the ability to make important changes for yourself, for as long as you put your heart to it. You can also support yourself by visualizing desired outcomes.
“Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do”

7 Forgive yourself: - If you have made mistakes in the past that had caused you to feel less worthy, then you need to forgive yourself. All of us make mistakes: so there really is no need to beat you up over them. Or if you’ve been carrying around a baggage of emotional hurt because of a childhood trauma learn to forgive yourself.

To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you

8 Be Truthful to yourself: - loving yourself requires you to be truthful about your own feelings. If you are happy, acknowledge the joy. If you are sad, acknowledge the sorrow. You do not try to lie to yourself or seek to bury your negative emotions. Instead acknowledging what you feel provides a good guide to what your thoughts are. And as we all know thoughts can be changed, so that healing and self growth can take place.
9 Grow spiritually: - when you spend time growing spiritually. Loving yourself is an automatic thing you become more peaceful, connected, kind, loving and compassionate. You nurture a mind that grows more beautiful but the day. How to not love yourself in the process?

10 Make positive affirmations everyday: - post affirmations that can help raise your self esteem everyday. For instance say this to yourself “love and accept myself completely and unconditionally read your affirmations out loud several times a day.

11 Express Gratitude: - Express gratitude for the person that you are. For instance, cultivate an appreciation for your strengths and gifts also feel a sense of gratitude that you are alive and well, and fully capable of making a difference in your life.

12 Nurture your dreams: - Why deny yourself your dreams? When you nurture your dreams, you would love the life that you are leading every moment that you live is a joy because you are expressing yourself fully. Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do then by the ones you did do. So throw odd the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails explore dream, discover and follow them,

13 Boost yourself confidence: - Make a deliberate attempt to look for opportunities that can help improve your sense of self. For instance, if you are particularly good at doing something, set aside more time to indulge and improve your skills on it, knowing that you have particular gifts can boost your self esteem.

14 Relax: - You need to give yourself space to take breaks every now and then. If you spend your time working, without paying to your health, it also means that you do not love yourself well enough to take care of your own body. Fill your time with silence, soothing music and visions of beauty: anything that nourishes your soul.

15 Have fun: - Inject some fun into your life. Life is meant to be an enjoyable. Don’t take life or yourself too seriously. If you can think of life in this manner, you automatically relax and quit worrying over things that do not matter.

16 Look after your body: - It is important that you strengthen yourself with proper nutrition and regular exercise. Your body is a temple and you should treat is with respect, love and care. It has been found that the lack of self love is often the root causes of conditions like eating disorders, obesity or even terminal diseases,
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live”

17 Learn to see beauty: - When you learn to see beauty in every thing, you will also see beauty in yourself. Hence, stop to smell the flowers. Notice everything. Feel everything.

I have a strong hope that this above steps will definitely help you fall in love with you before you even think of loving others,

“Thank you so much for considering yourself to love and get loved”